No one quessed right the number of the kittens.... I thought that there might be more than six, but the total was 9 kittens!!!!! So for now, I think that everyone believes that her stomach was huge!!! Unfortunately three of the kittens were dead, but the rest 6 are doing well! They are good size and very strong and living! Delivery took quite a long time but went really well (she kept a long brake in the middle). Corrie is very tired, but soooo happy! She has a lot of milk! So lets hope that everything will go well! :D
1x bluetickedtabby with white OSH a 03 25
3x bluespotted with white OSH a 03 24
2x bluetickedtabby OSH a 25

Eli siis Cori on onnellinen emo!! Kukaan ei arvannut pentujen lukumäärää oikein, lopullinen määrä olikin 9, joista valitettavasti kolme oli kuollutta. Kumminkin loput kuusi voivat oikein hyvin. Pennut ovat hyvän kokoisia, vahvan oloisia ja virkeitä!! Synnytys onnistui hyvin vaikka kestikin aika kauan (välissä pitkä tauko). Corilla on paljon maitoa ja se on tooooodella onnellinen emo!
1x sininen tiketti valkea OSH a 03 25
3x sinitäplikäs valkea OSH a 03 24
2x sininen ticked tabby OSH a 25
Here is a photo of the first one.... :D
More photos coming later!! :D